Everybody has a voice. When Injustice happens it’s easy to feel small. In these times when we fail to get answers, the smallest voices can make a difference. Some of those who long for change remain quiet. Malala once quoted, “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.”. The Following examples are making a difference in the world by using their voice for change, Malala showed the world that each girl has a definite right to education. Emma Gonzalaz showed the world that anyone can speak out for what they believe in. Through these voices, we learn that silence is the greatest barrier to change.
In 2008 Malala's hometown of Swat Valley was ruled by the Taliban. The Taliban was a fanatical group of Muslims who believed that women were made to obey men and their place was to purely be at home. Therefore, women were not granted the right to education. If they were to go against the Taliban they would be silenced. At this time Malala found herself speaking up against the Taliban, by writing a blog for the BBC, under the name “Gul Makai” broke the silence.
During the Taliban’s rule, Malala was determined for the world to know about the injustice shown towards young girls by the Taliban. She wanted the world to know the pain, fear and suffering caused by this extremist group. Soon the Taliban traced the name and tracked her down. On October 9th, 2012, when Malala was on her way to school, a masked gunman forced his way onto the small school bus, demanding the children on the bus tell him which one of them was Malala. Then what came after was unforgettable not only to her but everyone around the world.
Two years later Malala at the age of 17 received the Nobel Peace Prize, for her strength and determination to break the silence and bring awareness to the world of the injustice that young girls are facing in Pakistan. She was the youngest to ever receive this award. If not for the gunman, would the world know about Malala?
Similarly, on February 14, 2018, a gunman later identified as Nikolas Cruz, went into Stoneman Douglas High school and in six minutes he shot 34 students killing 17. On that day one student, Emma Gonzalez then found her voice.
Emma Gonzalez is an immigrant. She is also an activist for gun control. Just days after the shooting Emma gave a speech about gun awareness that went viral. The world was shocked that this brave 17-year-old girl would take it upon herself to speak out against the crucial need for gun control. The speech left the world pondering about the safety of guns.
In March 2018, the Florida Legislature passed a law titled the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The law states that you have to be 21 to buy a gun. Now Emma is working on the NeverAgain movement, which is about hoping to put an end to all school shootings.
These two girls both were scared to death, but they changed the world, by speaking up and breaking the barrier of silence.